64 kyrkor

Pa Nevis finns det 64 kyrkor och bara i Charlestown finns det nastan 30. De flesta bilar har dekaler med diverse text om Gud eller jesus. Se flesta har ar troende och Randy tycker det ar konstigt eftersom de svarta manniskorna kom hit for 400 ar sedan som slavar. Det var de vite som predikade om Gud, samtidigt som de behandlade slavarna illa. Vi hade en liten debatt angaende detta nere pa Lime bar. ..mycket intressant. Det slutade med att de troende sa att det var Gud som skapade THE BIG BANG....Hur det star till med det vet vi nog. Om bibeln ar atregiven efter horsagen under nagot 1000 tals ar sa vet ialla fall jag hur mycket som ar sanning. Har nere far man hora olika versioner av saker och ting. Vad som ar ratt far du forsoka gissa dig till och det ar inte latt. Har kan en sak vara vitt nar du pratar med en person och sen helt plotsligt bli svart nar du prata med nasta.
Jag har varit nere i Karibien  nagra ganger. Jag har varit har under februari, mars, april maj, september, december, januari och de basta arstiden ar nog varen. Just nu har vi riktigt Karibiskt vader...absolut skont. Sitter vid Randys dator och tar en kopp kaffe, medan tvattmaskinen tvattar dukarna, som vi har nere pa Lime bar. Randy har antligen kopt tvattmaskin. Om ca 2 timmar skall jag ga ner till stranden.

On Nevis there are 64 churches and just in Charlestown, there is almost 30th Most cars have stickers with a variety of text about God or Jesus. Most people here are believers and Randy thinks it's funny because black people came here 400 years ago as slaves. It was the penalty to preach about God, while they treated slaves poorly. We had a little debate about this down at Lime Bar. .. very interesting. It ended with the believers said that it was God who created THE BIG BANG .... the state with it, we know enough. If the Bible is written by hearsay in any 1000's is so atleast I know how much is truth. Have down father to whore different versions of things. What is right, you may try to guess and it is not easy. When I talk to people on Nevis is one thing to be white when you're talking to a person, then all of a sudden become difficult when you talk to the next one.

I've been down in the Caribbean a few times. I have been during February, March, April May, September, December, January and the best season is probably spring. Right now we really Caribbean weather ... definitely nice. Sitting at Randy's computer and take a cup of coffee, while the washing machine washes cloths, which we have down at Lime Bar. Randy has finally bought a washing machine. In about two hours, I head to the beach.


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