slow seson....
Ni kommer inte att fa nagra foton nagra dagar. Det kommer att ta en vecka att fa datorn lagad, men val da kommer ni att fa se manga foton. Just nu at det inte manga turister, men de pastar att om en vecka sa skall det bli ett uppsving. .. hoppas de har ratt, for det ar ganska dott nu. Vadret har varit lite for blasigt och det har regnat varje natt/ tidig morgon. I forrgar kom manga segelbatar in till Nevis, de kunde inte vara ute pa havet eftersom de varnat for hart vader. OCH Rebeccas och min van fran USA som var har for snart tre ar sedan ankrade upp. Gick till Randy och fragade om Rebecca och jag var dar.... Han kom ner till stranden, dar jag var och kom fram och sa Gertie Broman kanner du igen mig !.. Mycket roligt att traffa honom. Han och hans norska tjej kommer att ligga still i ca 5 dagar eller till vadret blir lite lugnare.
You will not have any photos a few days. It will take a week to get your computer repaired, but then you will see many photos. Right now ... not many tourists, but they say that in a week and there shall be many.. hope they are right, for it is quite dead now. The weather has been a bit too windy and it has rained every night / morning . The day before yesterday were many yachts up to Nevis, they could not be out at sea as they warned of severe weather. And Rebecca, and my friend from USA who we met for nearly three years ago anchored. Went to Randy and asked if Rebecca and I were there .... He came down to the beach, where I was a came to me and said Gertie Broman Do you recognize me! .. Very nice to meet him. He and his Norwegian girl will lie still for about 5 days or the weather gets a little easier.
You will not have any photos a few days. It will take a week to get your computer repaired, but then you will see many photos. Right now ... not many tourists, but they say that in a week and there shall be many.. hope they are right, for it is quite dead now. The weather has been a bit too windy and it has rained every night / morning . The day before yesterday were many yachts up to Nevis, they could not be out at sea as they warned of severe weather. And Rebecca, and my friend from USA who we met for nearly three years ago anchored. Went to Randy and asked if Rebecca and I were there .... He came down to the beach, where I was a came to me and said Gertie Broman Do you recognize me! .. Very nice to meet him. He and his Norwegian girl will lie still for about 5 days or the weather gets a little easier.