Data problem
Nu ar det sa att det var varken batteriet ( 625:-) eller kablen som det var fel pa , utan det ar nagot annat som gor att dator inte laddar eller att strommen inte fungerar. Detta far jag fixa nar jag kommer hem, sa jag kommer att anvanda Randys dator ytterligare en vecka. Nu ar det lite mer folk. Alla har hela tiden sagt " nasta vecka kommer turisterna" men jag har inte sett sa manga. Stranden har varit tom om inte Katamaranerna kommit in. Men nu, nar jag gar ner sa ar faktiskt 6 solstolar upptagna. Snart skall det vara val har nere. Det har Rany sagt sen jag kom ner, sa jag underar nar snart ar. Enligt Nevis tid, sa blir det nog i December. De har ialla fall borjat satta upp lite plakat och under karnivalen hittand man lite politiska budskap. Det varsta har nere, enligt befolkningen ar att de fran arsskiftet ( tror jag) ar tvugna att betala 10 procent i. moms
Is it that there was no battery (625 :-) or cables that it was wrong, but it's something else that makes the computer does not load or the power fails. This father I fix when I get home, I said going to use Randy's computer for another week. Now there are more people. Everyone has been saying "next week will tourists" but I have not seen so many. The beach was empty unless catamaran arrived. But now, when I go, this has actually six chairs occupied. Soon it shall be the elektion. It has Ranya said since I came down, I wounder when soon is.. According Nevis time, it will probably be in December. They have atleast start psautting up, some placards and during carnival a little political message. The worst thing is , according to the population s to the start of the year (I think) might have to pay 10 percent vat
Is it that there was no battery (625 :-) or cables that it was wrong, but it's something else that makes the computer does not load or the power fails. This father I fix when I get home, I said going to use Randy's computer for another week. Now there are more people. Everyone has been saying "next week will tourists" but I have not seen so many. The beach was empty unless catamaran arrived. But now, when I go, this has actually six chairs occupied. Soon it shall be the elektion. It has Ranya said since I came down, I wounder when soon is.. According Nevis time, it will probably be in December. They have atleast start psautting up, some placards and during carnival a little political message. The worst thing is , according to the population s to the start of the year (I think) might have to pay 10 percent vat