Jag gjorde en Effie
, nu ar det bara tva dagar kvar. I gar nar jag kom hem , kassar i bagge handerna och Molly ( hunden) springanJades runt mina fotter... morkt ute. Jag snubblar over henne och har inga hander att ta emot fallet med. Stupar pa huvudet, kanner att blodet rinner i ansiktet. Skyndar mig in och tvattar av det varsta. Vet att jag har bra lakekott...och se ...ett litet marke mitt pa nasan och ena kinden skrapad. Det andra lakt over natten. Jag kan visseligen fa nagon blatira. Vi far se.
Now, only two days left. Yesterday when I got home, shopping bags in both hands and Molly (the dog) running around my feet ... dark outside. I tripped over her and have no hands to receive the case. falls on my head, feel the blood flowing in the face. Hurrying up and wash off the worst. Know that I have good skin ... and see ... a small mark on the middle of the nose and one cheek scraped. The other healed overnight. Whilst I have a black eye. We'll see
Kanner mig som en liten apa idag
I will miss the sunset....
Now, only two days left. Yesterday when I got home, shopping bags in both hands and Molly (the dog) running around my feet ... dark outside. I tripped over her and have no hands to receive the case. falls on my head, feel the blood flowing in the face. Hurrying up and wash off the worst. Know that I have good skin ... and see ... a small mark on the middle of the nose and one cheek scraped. The other healed overnight. Whilst I have a black eye. We'll see
Kanner mig som en liten apa idag
I will miss the sunset....