back to work again
Så då var det bara att ge sig iväg till jobbet igen. Det var allt annat än lugnt . jag måste göra all frånvarorapportering av lärare som varit borta denna månad samt vem som har varit vikarie istället. Sen hade vi möte ( elevhälsoteamet) Plus allt annat som jag normalt gör. Eventuellt så skall jag arbeta med annat nästa termin. Jag skall vara sk. fritidspedagog samt ha lektion med elever som stör och är allmänt oroliga ) Jag har skinn på näsan och sror respekt bland eleverna så det skall bli mycket roligt, om det blir så.
So then it was just to go back to work again. It was anything but quiet. I have to report the teachers who have been off / sick this month and who has been deputy instead. Then we had a meeting (student health team) plus everything else that I normally do. Possibly I will work with another next year. I will be the youth leader and have the lesson with students who disrupt and are generally worried ), I have great respect among students so it should be enjoyable, if that happens.
So then it was just to go back to work again. It was anything but quiet. I have to report the teachers who have been off / sick this month and who has been deputy instead. Then we had a meeting (student health team) plus everything else that I normally do. Possibly I will work with another next year. I will be the youth leader and have the lesson with students who disrupt and are generally worried ), I have great respect among students so it should be enjoyable, if that happens.