Please take me to the Caribbien....
nu är det bara för stressigt. En sak att se fram emot är att vi har endast 12 skoldagar kvar.... sen blir det 8 veckors ledighet. jag skall visserigen arbeta p hundutställningar på helgerna, men det tycker jag är roligt. Nu har det regnat en hel del, men jag tror att marken fortfarande är för torr. Hoppas ialla fall att det inte regnar mer denna vecka, för till helgen skall vi ha hundutställning här i Hässleholm. Det är en stor internationell utställning. Jag skall arbeta så jag har en handler att visa min Vickan...spännande..... jag är efter CACIB= internationellt certifikat
now it's just too stressful. One thing to look forward to is that we have only 12 school days left .... then I'll do eight weeks of leave. I will certainly work again p dog shows on weekends, but I think this is funny. Now it has rained a lot, but I think the ground is still too dry. I hope anyway that it does not rain more this week, for the weekend, we have a dog show here in Hässleholm. There is a large international exhibition. I will work so I have a handler to show me Vicky ... interesting ..... I want to have a CACIB = International certificate
now it's just too stressful. One thing to look forward to is that we have only 12 school days left .... then I'll do eight weeks of leave. I will certainly work again p dog shows on weekends, but I think this is funny. Now it has rained a lot, but I think the ground is still too dry. I hope anyway that it does not rain more this week, for the weekend, we have a dog show here in Hässleholm. There is a large international exhibition. I will work so I have a handler to show me Vicky ... interesting ..... I want to have a CACIB = International certificate