Sommar lov
Nu har sommarlovet börjat. Jag reste ut till sommarstugan slutet av förra veckan. Internet fungera inte alltid, så vi får se hur ofta jag kan skriva i min blogg. I söndags skulle vicky ha ställts ut i Köpenhamn, men som väl var så kollade jag hennes vaccineringar dagen före och upptäcker att jag inte vaccinerade henne mot rabis 2010, så jag får ta ett nytt blodprov på henne innan hon kan resa utomlands igen. Vädret har varit ganska så bra. Vi har suttit ute varje kväll och grillat, men idag så regnar det hela tiden. Vi får hoppas det blir bättre framåt kvällen.Någon lyssnade på mig, för det ljusnade lite
Now the summer holidays started. I went out to the cottage late last week. Internet does not always work, so we'll see how often I can write in my blog. Last Sunday was vicky have been exhibited in Copenhagen, but luckily so I checked her immunizations on the day before and find that I have not vaccinated her against Rabis 2010, so I have to take another blood test on her before she can travel abroad again. The weather has been pretty good. We've sat out there every night and grilled, but today, it rains all the time. Let's hope it gets better in the evening. Someone listened to me, because it brightened a little.
men innan mitt sommarlov startade, så reste jag nattåget från Umeå ner till Skåne. En resa på ca 1300 km . jag startade resan 20.25 och skulle vara i Stockholm kol 06.25 och i Hässleholm kl 11.00. Jag vaknade 02.30 av att vi var i Ljusdal och 5 timmar senare, fortfarande i Ljusdal. Tåglinjen var strömlös och de hade antagligen svårt att få en reperatörer. SJ satte in bussar som skulle ta oss till Stockholm. Vissa stannade kvar på tåget , men jag och en av hundkupé medresenaren tog buss. När vi hade kommit till Gävle så skulle busschauffören ha 45 min rast, vilket skulle innebära att jag missade sista lediga tåg mot stockholm. När vi står där så ser jag "vårt" tåg komma in på perrongen, så jag skickar iväg en tjej att hålla tåget så vi kunde fortsätta med det till Stockholm..... Vickan och jag sprang, med väskor och hundbur i högsta speed och kom med tåget. Vi kom senare med tåget till Hässleholm och vi var 7 timmar försenade, så jag kom ett par timmar försent till vår personalfest. Vi skulle fira att sommarlovet började samt avtacka ett par kolegier samt vår rektor, som skall börja nytt arbete med att köpa upp grisar i södra sverige till ett visst slakteri
but before my summer vacation started, so I went the night train from Umeå down to Skane. A trip of about 1300 km. I started the journey 20:25 and would be in Stockholm coal and 6:25 in Hässleholm, at 11:00. I woke up by 2:30 we were in Ljusdal and five hours later, still in Ljusdal. Train service was without power and they were probably difficult to get a reperatörer. SJ put into buses that would take us to Stockholm. Some stayed on the train, but me and a dog compartment fellow author took the bus. When we had arrived in Gävle so would the bus driver have a 45 minute break, which would mean that I missed the last available train to Stockholm. When we stand there I see "our" train entering the station platform, so I am sending a girl to keep the train so we could continue with it to London ..... Vickan and I ran, with bags and dog crate at the highest speed and came up with the train. We came later by train to Hässleholm and we were 7 hours late, so I got a couple of hours late for our party. We should celebrate the summer holidays began and unveil a couple kolegier and our president, who will begin new efforts to buy up pigs in southern Sweden to a slaughterhouse
On the train..... we were 5 dogs and tree persons
In pink our headmaster..... and one of my best friends at school...Martin
Nästan hela gänget
Birgitta, who are going to have my work after summer holyday...I´m going to have a new and much better work, when we start working again in aug.
we are all loking at the bus... this bus will take Birgitta later to Vittsjö she can be drunk ...not far to walk
he has just pu the tail on the pig
Now the summer holidays started. I went out to the cottage late last week. Internet does not always work, so we'll see how often I can write in my blog. Last Sunday was vicky have been exhibited in Copenhagen, but luckily so I checked her immunizations on the day before and find that I have not vaccinated her against Rabis 2010, so I have to take another blood test on her before she can travel abroad again. The weather has been pretty good. We've sat out there every night and grilled, but today, it rains all the time. Let's hope it gets better in the evening. Someone listened to me, because it brightened a little.
men innan mitt sommarlov startade, så reste jag nattåget från Umeå ner till Skåne. En resa på ca 1300 km . jag startade resan 20.25 och skulle vara i Stockholm kol 06.25 och i Hässleholm kl 11.00. Jag vaknade 02.30 av att vi var i Ljusdal och 5 timmar senare, fortfarande i Ljusdal. Tåglinjen var strömlös och de hade antagligen svårt att få en reperatörer. SJ satte in bussar som skulle ta oss till Stockholm. Vissa stannade kvar på tåget , men jag och en av hundkupé medresenaren tog buss. När vi hade kommit till Gävle så skulle busschauffören ha 45 min rast, vilket skulle innebära att jag missade sista lediga tåg mot stockholm. När vi står där så ser jag "vårt" tåg komma in på perrongen, så jag skickar iväg en tjej att hålla tåget så vi kunde fortsätta med det till Stockholm..... Vickan och jag sprang, med väskor och hundbur i högsta speed och kom med tåget. Vi kom senare med tåget till Hässleholm och vi var 7 timmar försenade, så jag kom ett par timmar försent till vår personalfest. Vi skulle fira att sommarlovet började samt avtacka ett par kolegier samt vår rektor, som skall börja nytt arbete med att köpa upp grisar i södra sverige till ett visst slakteri
but before my summer vacation started, so I went the night train from Umeå down to Skane. A trip of about 1300 km. I started the journey 20:25 and would be in Stockholm coal and 6:25 in Hässleholm, at 11:00. I woke up by 2:30 we were in Ljusdal and five hours later, still in Ljusdal. Train service was without power and they were probably difficult to get a reperatörer. SJ put into buses that would take us to Stockholm. Some stayed on the train, but me and a dog compartment fellow author took the bus. When we had arrived in Gävle so would the bus driver have a 45 minute break, which would mean that I missed the last available train to Stockholm. When we stand there I see "our" train entering the station platform, so I am sending a girl to keep the train so we could continue with it to London ..... Vickan and I ran, with bags and dog crate at the highest speed and came up with the train. We came later by train to Hässleholm and we were 7 hours late, so I got a couple of hours late for our party. We should celebrate the summer holidays began and unveil a couple kolegier and our president, who will begin new efforts to buy up pigs in southern Sweden to a slaughterhouse
On the train..... we were 5 dogs and tree persons
In pink our headmaster..... and one of my best friends at school...Martin
Nästan hela gänget
Birgitta, who are going to have my work after summer holyday...I´m going to have a new and much better work, when we start working again in aug.
we are all loking at the bus... this bus will take Birgitta later to Vittsjö she can be drunk ...not far to walk
he has just pu the tail on the pig