Back to civilization
Nu har jag kommit hem till Hässleholm och skall stanna här till torsdag, då jag skall resa till Ransäter. Jag skall arbeta på hundutställning i 3 dagar. Dagarna fram till torsdagen skall jag städa min lägenhet så den blir riktigt ren och mysig.
I fredags var jag och Michael, på fest i Glimminge. Tidigare på dagen när jag kom tillbaka till stugan, satt mitt gamla ex och två av hans kompisar på altanen. De hade tagit bussen och var på en liten utflykt.
Igår var jag och gratulerade Frida, som fyllde år. Mina barnbarn är helt underbara.
Det två senaste dagarna har jag följt utvecklingen på terrordådet i Norge. Det är helt ofattbart hur en person , kan skjuta ner 85 ungdomar så kallblodigt.
Now I have come home to Hässleholm and shall stay here until Thursday, when I will travel to Ransäter. I will work at a dog show in 3 days. Days until Thursday, I clean my apartment so it will be really clean and cozy.
Last Friday was me and Michael, at a party in Glimminge. Earlier in the day when I came back to the cottage, sat my old ex and two of his friends on the patio. They had taken the bus and was on a little outing.
Yesterday I was congratulated and Frida, who's birthday. My grandchildren are wonderful.
The last two days I have followed developments in the terrorist attack in Norway. It is absolutely incomprehensible how a person can shoot down 85 young people so cold-blooded.
It was only old music....old good Elvis songs
My grandchildren, Eric and Isabelle. Isabelle is tired and Eric has just won the game. ( Memory)
Look... so all this..... I got
Anders and Erick are counting... who´s the winner
Isabelle and my highheels
Eric and his own baked cake
mmmmm... nice chocolate cake.... and icecream
I fredags var jag och Michael, på fest i Glimminge. Tidigare på dagen när jag kom tillbaka till stugan, satt mitt gamla ex och två av hans kompisar på altanen. De hade tagit bussen och var på en liten utflykt.
Igår var jag och gratulerade Frida, som fyllde år. Mina barnbarn är helt underbara.
Det två senaste dagarna har jag följt utvecklingen på terrordådet i Norge. Det är helt ofattbart hur en person , kan skjuta ner 85 ungdomar så kallblodigt.
Now I have come home to Hässleholm and shall stay here until Thursday, when I will travel to Ransäter. I will work at a dog show in 3 days. Days until Thursday, I clean my apartment so it will be really clean and cozy.
Last Friday was me and Michael, at a party in Glimminge. Earlier in the day when I came back to the cottage, sat my old ex and two of his friends on the patio. They had taken the bus and was on a little outing.
Yesterday I was congratulated and Frida, who's birthday. My grandchildren are wonderful.
The last two days I have followed developments in the terrorist attack in Norway. It is absolutely incomprehensible how a person can shoot down 85 young people so cold-blooded.
Gänget på altanen
From the party in Glimminge planteringIt was only old music....old good Elvis songs
Look... so all this..... I got
Anders and Erick are counting... who´s the winner
Isabelle and my highheels
Eric and his own baked cake
mmmmm... nice chocolate cake.... and icecream