true talent part 2
Ikväll är det 2.a del en i tävligen i true talent......och även här någon bra röst, som jag kanske kan hitta på youtub till er.
Vad har mer hänt den senaste tiden??? Jo aktiemarknaden har gjort störtdykning.. Euron kommer att försvinna . Italien, Spanien, Grekland o Portugal kommer att hamna i konkurs. USA kommer inte att klara sin ekonomi och likaså Japan. förmodligen kommer Kina att klara sig....jag sjäv har förlorat en hel del. Hoppas marknade går upp lite så jag kan säkra en del av pengarna. Jag har förlorat minst en resa till Caribbien
Khadaffis imperium är krossat. Hoppas bara att det inte tar så lång tid innan de har demokrati därTonight is the 2nd part of a contest of true talent ...... and here a good voice, maybe I can find on YouTube for you.
What has happened more recently??? Well the stock market has made nosedive .. The euro will disappear. Italy, Spain, Greece o Portugal will end up in bankruptcy. U.S. will not meet its economy and also Japan. China is likely to survive .... me self have lost a lot. Hope on a market goes up trust so I can secure some of the money. I have lost at least one trip to Caribbien
Mr Gaddafi empire is crushed. I just hope that it does not take so long before they have a democracy where
What has happened more recently??? Well the stock market has made nosedive .. The euro will disappear. Italy, Spain, Greece o Portugal will end up in bankruptcy. U.S. will not meet its economy and also Japan. China is likely to survive .... me self have lost a lot. Hope on a market goes up trust so I can secure some of the money. I have lost at least one trip to Caribbien
Mr Gaddafi empire is crushed. I just hope that it does not take so long before they have a democracy where