snow and rain.....
Skulle precis berätta att det har snöat hela eftermiddagen och att gräsmattorna är vita, när jag tittar ut och ser att de är nu mer gröna än vita. Egentligen skönt.... jag vill inte ha snö nu. Snö skall vi har en vecka före jul och sen får den gärna försvinna efter nyår
Would just tell you that it has been snowing all afternoon and the lawns are white, when I look out and see that they are now more green than white. Really nice .... I do not want snow now. Snow, we have a week before Christmas and then it may well disappear in the new year
Would just tell you that it has been snowing all afternoon and the lawns are white, when I look out and see that they are now more green than white. Really nice .... I do not want snow now. Snow, we have a week before Christmas and then it may well disappear in the new year