Odysseus och kejsar Tiberius
Idag har vi varit kulturella och besökt museet med statyer över Odysseus och övrigt dom de hittade i grottan .
Intressant att gå runt i the house Of Tiberius
The villa of Sperlonga, built on a beach along the Tyrrhenian sea, was probably built between 30 and 20 BCE. It consisted of three parts: the villa itself, consisting of rooms surrounded a peristyle, a terrace near the beach, and a cave - the real monument. This consisted of two parts: a square basin immediately behind the entrance, and the inner cave. In the basin was a rectangular island that was used as dining room; those eating over here, could look into the inner cave, where some splendid statues were erected.
In the center of the basin was a Scylla and, behind it, deep inside the cave, an Odysseus blinding the cyclops Polyphemus. On the sides were a group showing Odysseus with the body of Achilles ("Pasquino type") and a group of Diomedes and Odysseus stealing the Palladion. In the upper part of the cave was a Ganymedes. The Scylla is signed by Athanodorus, son of Agesander, Agesander, son of Paionius, and Polydorus, son of Polydorus.