Rush slowly
Ingen har precis bråttom här nere på ön så de brukar alltid säga "Rush slowly" sen har de speciell tidsräkning sk. Ö- tid, vilket innebär att någon gång blir det klart. Om de säger på måndag, så har de inte sagt vilken måndag. Man vet liksom inte riktigt när och det spelar inte så stor roll, utom om du behöver reparera bilen eller liknande. En gång skulle jag flyga till Sint Maarten och på min biljett stod det att flyget skulle gå kl 8, men när jag kom till flygplatsen var den tom. Flyget gick klockan 10 men på monitorerna stod det kl 8. Likadant när jag skulle flyga hem. Flyget skulle gå kl 17 men den riktiga tiden var klockan 19. Det är bra när det är på det hållet och inte stt det går två timmar före utsatt tid.
Idag har jag lite träningsvärk i vaderna och jag vet inte vad jag har fått det av, så jag får gå en mil längs stranden idag och inte bara ligga och läsa. Jag har börjat på en ny bok, Selfies av Adler Ohsen och den får jag inte läsa så fort, eftersom det är den sista boken jag har med mig.
No one just hurry down here on the island so they usually say "Rush slowly" then they have a special time schedule. Island-Time, which means that it will be clear at some point. If they say on Monday, they have not said which Monday. You do not know when and when it does not matter, only if you need to repair the car or the like. Once I had to fly to Sint Maarten and on my ticket it was said that the flight would go at 8 o'clock, but when I got to the airport it was empty. The flight was at 10 o'clock but on the monitors it was 8 o'clock. Likewise, when I had to fly home. The flight would be at 17, but the real time was at 19. It's good when it's in that direction and not two hours before the scheduled time.
Today, I have a little workout pain in the dads and I do not know what I've got it off so I'll have to walk a 10 km along the beach today and not just lie and read. I have started a new book, Selfies of Adler Ohsen, and I can not read that fast, because it is the last book I have with me.
Initial construction of Fort Charles began as early as the 1630s, with the aim of protecting Charlestown and its habor Mounting 26 Cannon, Fort Charles was the main fort on the island, although there were numerous other, smaller gun emplacements. The reason for all of these fortifications was the protection of Nevis' lucrative sugar trade which at one time was more profitable for Brittan than all of the North American colonies combined.
Charlestown, the habor and ferry. St. Kitts in background
Me at the Fort