I was right..
I first thought I was wrong, but it showed it was a mistake. For more than a month, I have said that the weather will change around June 12 and it did it on Monday. The temperature dropped 8-10 degrees and we got the first raindrops for several weeks. Everyone has been waiting for rain. It's so dry so the peasants are forced to kill some of their cows so the feed will be enough for winter unless it starts to rain for at least a week. A colleague at work did not know if he would work as a teacher at the summer school, lasting less than two weeks. I told him to do it because the weather would be worse / bad then, so on Monday he thought of me when the weather got worse and was grateful that he obeyed me and took the job. Right now it's thundering and lightning and Kajsa looks a little suspicious. She doesn't like thunder, but I have the radio on and lie here and write on the blog and she does not seem to care much about the mole. It's time for me to pack the bag again. Tomorrow night I go to the summer house again, because on Friday morning I fly from Ängelholm to Umeå. It is time for the dog show in Vännäs where I always work
Right now thunder and lightning....and some heavy rain
Me the weather witch
Kajsa near me....but don't care it's thundering